Today, people who are getting their online degree in business are discovering how diverse their education is. Even if your curriculum is focused on classes like accounting or financial management, you'll find that an online degree isn't limited to one field of study. In fact, many online degree programs require students in a variety of academic tracks to take core general education requirements such as English composition.
An English composition class is important to business students for many reasons. The ability to communicate ideas with the written word is paramount in the business world. Online degree programs that offer business degrees recognize this important fact and design their curriculum with that knowledge in mind.
There is hardly a facet of business that doesn't involve the skills a student learns in an English composition class. Thesis, organizational structure, clarity of thought, transition from idea to idea, and conclusions are all important parts of an English composition, but they are also important in communicating an idea to your colleagues in business. Without the ability to effectively communicate, many business propositions would never get off the ground.
No matter which part of business you want to focus on when you graduate, your online degree program will prepare you for it. That includes the ability to write effective and concise papers; skills you will learn in an English composition class. Those skills will be in constant use in the business world; in fact you will use many of the skills you learn in English composition when you are preparing for job interviews.
For example, if you are interested in marketing, your online program will no doubt have you working on mock advertising campaigns. They may ask you to develop a new product line, or even create a brochure for a real company. You won't be able to accomplish any of those tasks without the skills you gain from your English composition class. Making sure your presentation is free from grammatical errors and misspelled words are basic tenets required when communicating with the written word.
Even if you are not communicating with the written word, but making an oral presentation, the process will likely begin with an outline or a formal paper. Your oral presentation will have to follow an organizational pattern, one that may be similar to the type of structure you learn in your English composition class. Many oral business presentations are accompanied by visual aids, like a Power Point presentation. Basic fundamentals like spelling and grammar will help your presentation slides look professional and well thought out.
If the online degree program you choose is a business management or administration track, your English composition classes will be a critical element of your degree. At the management and administrative level of most businesses, the ability to communicate effectively and clearly with the written word may mean the difference between success and failure. Proposals, reports on progress of projects, letters to clients, and memos to staff are just a few of the written communications that you will need to create on a daily basis for your work.
Being enrolled in an online degree program that prepares you for all aspects of the business world is important. While learning to think in an entrepreneurial manner or acquiring basic accounting knowledge is vital for careers in business, the fundamentals of education are also equally essential. An English composition class can help prepare you for the challenges of communicating with your peers as well as the people you manage. Success with the written word may be the very thing that sets you apart from other people in your career track, paving the way for a higher salary and a promotion track to upper management.
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