Ah, the 30-second elevator pitch. How many times have you said yours now? Several hundred? Several thousand? How do you keep it fresh, inspired, and successful in making a powerful first impression on every potential client or colleague you meet? Please read on for a few tips toward that end.
One problem I often encounter in the elevator pitches I hear is that people usually describe the features of the services they provide as opposed to the benefits. When hearing about a product, listeners want to know what it's going to do for them or how it's going to change their lives. In other words, you must refer to the benefits of your product or service, not a description of its characteristics (features). Clearly distinguish between the two, and leave features completely out of the pitch.
Connect with your passion, your inspiration for what you do, and convey that to your listener(s). The more that people you network with see and feel your inspiration, the greater the chance that they will be inspired to use your products or services. Additionally, you will come across with greater authenticity, and the elevator speech will feel like less work for you.
Be present in the moment. It can become difficult to sound fresh and enthusiastic when you're delivering your 30 second pitch for the umpteenth time, are stressed, preoccupied and so on. For many of us, it is regularly challenging to deliver our elevator speech sounding relaxed, energized, and focused, yet that is how we need to be to for maximum success.
Identify and eliminate the negative self-talk. What do you say to yourself internally before you introduce yourself to someone professionally? When you rise to speak in front of any individual or group? Is it a self-criticism? Pay careful attention to the thoughts that go through your head as you're about to begin your pitch, and if you find that you have a negative self-critic inside your head, make that voice to go away.
Last but not least, you must feel confident and comfortable with your attire. It is important to feel like a stylish, successful professional in whatever you're wearing. If you are anything like me and you're not the best at dressing up, find someone who's good at it to help you go through your closet and put together several winning ensembles
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