THIS IS THE SECOND EDIT OF THIS VIDEO, I HAD TO REMOVE AND CHANGE CERTAIN THINGS THAT WERE GETTING THE VIDEO BLOCKED IN AMERICA. I think this video was a problem Finally a new part to the Tel Evil Sion series, been sick the past couple of weeks, and in one of my dreams i had this recurring thought of 'social justice', and it's a term i've been hearing for a long time, ever since i started high school you notice the little changes as the years go by, how something unacceptable a few years ago is now mainstream with little else other than just continually bombarding people with the same themes and images everywhere I go, I see red stars on black, che guevara t shirts, mao hats, lenin logos, buttons, stickers, the Soviet CCCP, the hammer and sickle.. no one seems to be offended by that at all, like it's the new normal it's a sobering realization to see how deeply engrained the Marxist-Leninist philosophy is engrained in society's collective psyche..that's how a guy like Obama could sweep into Office the good news is that a lot of people have been more perceptive to Obama than I anticipated, and realize what he stands for, but I just can't help but feel like the ace in the hole is about to be drawn, ushering in an open dictatorship

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