Headers and Footers in Word 2007

Image : http://www.flickr.com

In Microsoft Word 2007, a header is a section of the document that appears at the top of each page, above the first line of text. A footer is the section that appears between the last line of text and the bottom of each page. Headers and footers can be customized to contain graphics and text that improve the look and readability of the document. In the default setting, the contents of headers and footers in Word 2007 appear on every page of the document.

By default, each document in Word is created with an empty header and footer. To add content to headers and footers in Word 2007, simply select Insert > Header > Edit Header or Insert > Footer > Edit Footer. The main portion of the document will be grayed out, and the header or footer will become active. Enter whatever type you wish. If your content exceeds the space allotted for the header or footer, Word will simply expand the size of the header/footer to accommodate your content. Increasing the header or footer will decrease the size of the regular document space.

You may insert type, graphics, a field, or pre-defined information, such as the current date and time, or the page number. These special elements can be found under Design > Quick Parts. From this point, you'll be able to select Date & Time, Field or Page Numbers. You may also choose Property to insert one of the document properties, like author, comments, status, subject or title. To add a picture or clip art, select Design > Picture or Design > Clip Art and browse to find the file you want to insert. You can resize pictures or artwork to suit your needs.

For the first page of a document or section, you may not want the document header or footer to appear. To suppress the header and/or footer on the first page, select Design > Different First Page. You'll notice that the header and footer labels have changed to indicate that this is the first page. Adjust the first page header and footer to your satisfaction.

If you use Word 2007 to create a document with facing pages - such as those found in reports and books - select Design > Different Odd & Even Pages. Create the appropriate header and footer for each page. Closing the header or footer will reactivate the main document.

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