Most American mothers have a difficult time considering whether to go back to school or not, as going back to school after a long period of absence involves making a lot of sacrifices. These sacrifices includes having to compromise ones responsibility to family and work, and also sourcing for funds to be used to implement the back to school plan. But fortunately, there are excellent scholarship positions available now, due to the Obama administration's intention to improve the lives of working and single American mothers.
These scholarships are not just there to be plucked out easily, as any interested mother has to go out to look for these scholarships in other to find and win them. This task can be very tedious and frustrating when one is not enlightened on the procedures involved in winning any of the scholarships.
The following tips can be of great help to those single and working mothers interested in these scholarships:
· Conduct an adequate research: This involves accessing all sources of information, in other to gather up enough data concerning the availability of these scholarships. Information can be gathered from the internet using the relevant search engines and typing in the relevant keywords, so as to get the correct information regarding the scholarships; also, seeking information from friends, relations, corporate and government institutions is another effective way of knowing where these scholarship programs are, and how to get them.
· Secondly, there is a government financial aid form known as the government 's FAFSA form. FAFSA means Free Application for Financial Student Aid. Filling and submitting this form would enable the interested mothers to be notified when the government grants and scholarship programmes are about to begin.
· Also, there are scholarship opportunities which are designed for people with special conditions and abilities. These conditions might include being mentally or physically disabled, while the special abilities could include being left handed, or being very physically well endowed. Therefore, interested mothers should critically assess themselves to know the special abilities and conditions which they may have, in other to have access to the particular scholarship which is designed specifically for people in their categories.
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