Randolph Firefighter CLOSE CALL caught on the Fire Helmet Camera

Randolph NJ - Firefighter Allen Bell from Dover Fire Dept. in New Jersey captured this CLOSE CALL video of a firefighter who had to bail out of a 2nd floor window while conducting a search for a missing resident. As conditions worsened, the firefighter made it to a 2nd floor window and called out for a ladder. This put firefighter Bells RIT team into action by grabbing the nearest extension ladder to assist the firefighter. This video shows the firefighter falling from the window to the ground and other firefighters carrying him to the front of the house. This video should be used as a training tool. There are several training classes and videos offered that show proper technique in "ladder bail outs". You and your dept. should learn these techniques so this does not happen to you. His injuries were minor, but he could have suffered worse injuries. Also, the FC3 Fire Helmet Camera (www.FireVideo.net) was used in the video and shows that this camera can be another "tool for the helmet", and if used properly, can assist in training, review and investigation. Below is the story from the Randolph News. RANDOLPH -- A stubborn fire swept through a two-story house this morning, killing a woman and injuring a township firefighter, authorities said. Norma Miller, 84, lived in the wood-frame house on Carrell Road with two of her sons, both of whom were able to escape from the house unhurt, firefighters said. One firefighter, whose name was not released, was injured when he fell out ...


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