Ab Circle Pro Vs Contour Abs Core Sculpting System - Which is Better?

Two of the most heavily advertised abdominal fitness machines in the world today are the Ab Circle Pro and the Contour Core Sculpting System, (a.k.a. Contour Abs). Both these machines are very popular and basically promise the same thing: help you to get flat abs and burn belly fat with minutes a day of using them without too much effort or hassle.

These promises of fast results couples with some clever marketing have made these two products rivals for the title of the most popular abs machine today. In this article I want to go over these two products to help you see which one of them is better for you to use.

Price and refund policy

Both the Ab circle Pro and the Contour Abs Core Sculpting System cost about the same: around $200. You may be able to get it at a bit more or a bit less during various times of the year or through special sales. They also have a similar refund and trial offer. You do need to be aware that in most of these refund offers, you will need to pay for shipping costs to send the product back and the original shipping costs may not be refundable, so make sure to read the fine print.

How do they work

The Contour Core Sculpting System is an electric abdominal belt. You place it tight against your stomach, turn it on, and it begins vibrating against your skin. These vibrations go through your stomach muscles and cause them to contract.

This is supposed to give you a workout that is effective enough to build your abs and burn off belly fat. The great thing about this machine is that you're not really working out. You can use it while sitting in your car or office.

The Ab Circle Pro is a more traditional workout machine that can be used at home. You get on the machine and rotate your body from side to side in order to get an abdominal workout. You can't take it with you to work like the Contour Abs belt, but many people feel that traditional training is more effective than electric ab belts which are the subject of great skepticism.


Both these products have good and bad reviews and testimonials. Many trainers do not believe in either of them, though the prevailing opinion is that traditional workouts is still the way to go.

Regardless of which of these products you choose to use remember that in order to get flat abs you need to watch your diet and to workout your entire body. These machines may play some part in your success but you need a general approach to get real and lasting results.

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