If you are interested in how to quickly analyse data in excel, then you need to start using pivot tables. This powerful tool will convert huge lists of data into tables that can be copied and changed with a couple of clicks. Excel pivot tables are a great data analysis tool.
You can filter a large database using the page field option. A page field displays only the data for the selected page field item. For example, if you had data that covered several years, "years" could be a page field.
Your data source can be just about anything, but the format must be in list or flat file. In other words, a list of field names at the top, with each record of data entered in rows. Field names should be based on the type of data that column will hold. Spaces can be allowed as you can hide blank values or show specific error messages.
Another useful feature is the option to show row and column totals. You can switch this feature on and off. It is useful if you are tracking year to date figures or running totals throughout the year, without it having to be a separate exercise.
After you have created your first table, excel provides the option to copy your table either as an exact copy of the original or as a picture without the interactivity. This is handy if you don't want people to access the data list behind the pivot. To get access to this data, you just double-click on the pivot table itself. A new worksheet will be created with the source data included.
The fastest way to learn about pivot tables is to use a data list. This does not have to be thousands of rows. It could be as little as 5. The larger your test data list, the more information you might gain from the analysis.
If you have spent some time creating your perfect pivot table, but want to show this graphically, then you have the option in excel to create a pivot chart. This is a separate worksheet of your pivot table in chart format. It can be a bit cumbersome at first to use them.
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