We do what we can to remember what we learn. Our minds actually comprehend and store everything we see, touch taste and feel in an instant. Why can't we just recall what our minds hold? Why can't we read something once and then we can recall it word for word?
There is a reason for this. We have two parts to our minds. Our conscious and our subconscious. Our subconscious works with illustrations and pictures but our conscious mind works with all sorts of language and logical things. What works for us is when the both minds come together in harmony. This means that when our conscious mind uses illustrations, it creates a beautiful conduit strait to our subconscious mind along with an index (like a library) so we can recall it at will.
If we remember something it is because our minds relate with it as a picture. Even numbers become pictures for us to remember. Everything turns into a picture. Even our feelings and experiences turn into pictures inside our subconsciousr.
A small group of us got together and created "Microsoft Excel Picture Book". We experimented with the concept of picture teaching versus word teaching and found that elementary school children could look through the manual and understand Microsoft Excel. Not just the basics but everything you need to know to become a master.
Fort Knox Kentucky is where they train on ground weapons. Tanks are the main focus. In the instruction books you'll find mostly pictures to educate the students on how to use the machinery. The Chinese use characters which is picture form.
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