"Hear Us Now" Pt. 1, The Story of The "Kill the Bill" Rally, March 20 &21, 2010

May God hold accountable the slanderers who are smearing the most loving, spontaneous, patriotic, genuinely American movement of political expression seen in generations. May the truth stand as a behemoth among the lies of this administration and the smear machine of the government-media complex. Behold, what really happened in DC on March 20 & 21, 2010... "Hear Us Now" The Story of The "Kill the Bill" Rally March 20 &21, 2010 On March 20th and 21st, 2010 history was made on Capitol Hill; two events which foreshadow Americas potential future. One was the passage, by use of the nuclear option, of radical, leftist healthcare legislation. The other was an unprecedented, spontaneous showing of opposition by ordinary, patriotic Americans, who, standing shoulder to shoulder, heralded the call for a new direction in American history. These two influential forces were on polar opposites of moral, philosophical, and political worldviews. One was forced through by a few left-wing elites using other peoples money, and the brute power of partisan politics, while the other was embraced by salt-of-the-earth, middle and working class Americans, who were not forced or funded, but with passionate conviction used hard-earned income to come from across the nation to be heard! Although reflecting diverse classes, races, genders, and interests, they were unified in their opposition to the radical agenda of the current administration. Why did Tea Party protesters from many different grass ...


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